Gestalt & Music Therapy


What is Gestalt therapy?

Gestalt is a humanistic and relational form of therapy in which we investigate patterns that may have emerged in your life and relationships, through being aware of and curious about what is happening moment-to-moment in our (therapeutic) relationship. Through use of somatic awareness and experiments, we aim to find creative solutions to problems you may be experiencing while trusting that you have the resources and abilities you need to face these challenges.
The number one thing we focus on in the beginning is slowing down, and from there ‘peeling the onion’ to see what is underneath. I aim to support your pace while sharing my process as a participant in therapy rather than a passive observer.

What is music therapy?

Have you ever used music to relax, cry, connect with others, complete a task, or reminisce? Chances are you’re already using music therapeutically in one way or another. In my experience as a singer songwriter, music has allowed me to feel and express my emotions in a validating and cathartic way.

Music therapy requires 3 things:
1) music
2) therapeutic relationship (client and music therapist)
3) clinical goals

Music therapy can enhance self-expression, encourage and support you to explore and stay with challenging emotions, increase self-esteem and confidence, develop autonomy and dignity, foster connection, and invite hope.

Regardless of your background, training, or relationship with music, there are several ways we can use music in therapy, including singing, improvising, songwriting, and listening to recorded music, all while weaving verbal psychotherapy before, after, and throughout each experience.